From Breastfeeding to Solid Foods: Facilitating Optimal Feeding Outcomes for At-Risk Babies


This course focuses on the importance of facilitating breastfeeding and providing breast milk to babies who are at-risk for feeding, health and developmental issues. Participants will understand the process of lactation and how to help mothers protect and
establish milk supply in order to establish breastfeeding. They will understand the mechanics of breastfeeding and how they differ from bottle-feeding. Intervention strategies for tongue-tie, cleft palate and Down syndrome, as well as other at-risk populations will be discussed. Participants will also learn to identify early signs of babies at-risk for feeding aversion and how child-directed
feeding approaches, such as, Baby-Led Weaning, can impact oral structural development, oral motor and chewing skills, and overall development. Feeding videos of at-risk babies will be used to demonstrate various assessment and intervention techniques.

This course is designed for speech pathologists, occupational
therapists, physical therapists, dieticians, lactation consultants,
nurses, and/or any health care professional working with young
babies who are at-risk for health, feeding and developmental

Location Shriners Hospital for Children
2211 N. Oak Park Ave.
Chicago, IL 60707
Date 4/22/2016 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (Check in 8:00 AM)
Sponsor Easter Seals DuPage & Fox Valley
Trainer Jill Rabin, SLP
Contact Katie Genetz (630) 282-2026
Principles 1. Support families
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 2.0 - Atypical Development
3.0 - Intervention
2.0 - Typical Development
Cost 175.00
Status Closed