From Boyhood to Fatherhood: An Interactive Panel Discussion on Boys, Men, Fatherhood and Culture.


Fathers that are present and positively engaged in their child's life leads to many positive outcomes. While many infant and early childhood programs value the role of the father, engaging them into service delivery programs often proves challenging. This seminar will provide an opportunity to reflect on strategies for successful and meaningful engagement of fathers, from diverse backgrounds, in infant and early childhood programs.

For more information and to register, please visit

Location Champaign Public Library; Pavilion Rooms A & B
200 W. Green Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Date 4/5/2016 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Check in 9:30 AM)
Sponsor IL Association for Infant Mental Health (ILAIMH)
Trainer Christa Austin, Jeremy Smith and Martin Srajek (with Michael Trout as Moderator)
Contact Delreen Schmidt-Lenz (217) 343-9337
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 2.0 - Working with Families
Cost $30; ILAIMH members $26; Students $20
Status Closed