Understanding the Medical Diagnostic Process and use of TA for Service Coordinators


This training is designed for the service coordinator so that he/she clearly understands the purpose of a medical diagnostic assessment and can guide the team in determining if a referral for a medical diagnostic assessment is indicated. Service Coordinators will tour the Cardinal Glennon facility where assessments take place and learn what families experience when they go through the process. A discussion will follow that outlines criteria for making a referral and what procedural steps need to be taken when making a referral. Service coordinators will gain confidence in their understanding of the medical diagnostic process so that they will be better equipped to have conversations with families and facilitate IFSP discussions. The last 30 minutes will be spent discussing EI Technical Assistance services and how service coordinators may utilize this service when need of support in their work.
*This is not an open training. This is for new service coordinators only.

Location Anderson Wellness Center
2133 Vadalabene Drive
Maryville, IL 62062
Date 4/21/2016 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Check in 9:15 AM)
Sponsor CFC 21
Trainer Kristi Schwantner
Contact Kristi Schwantner (314) 268-2770 kristi_schwantner@ssmhc.com
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.5 - Assessment
0.5 - Working with Families
Cost none
Status Closed