Visual Rehabilitation for Pediatrics – Seeing the Whole Picture


The visual system is a beautiful, complex system that allows us to enjoy and explore the world around us. However, when not working properly, this delicately balanced system can also hinder development and academic performance in children. This one-day seminar introduces the components of the visual system and their interactions in pediatric motor and academic skills. Explore common visual system problems that can limit the progress and potential of pediatric patients with autism, neurological disorders, and ADHD. Gain the skills necessary to assess for visual problems by practicing these skills during the seminar. You will explore the treatments of common vision-related problems, including evidence-based treatments and real-world examples, increasing confidence in your own practice abilities. In addition, you will learn to use the visual system as a tool to improve gait and balance. Gain treatment ideas that can be used immediately and effectively in your practice to improve outcomes in your young patients.

Location Holiday Inn Rolling Meadows
3405 Algonquin Road
Schaumburg, IL 60008
Date 6/15/2017 8:00 AM - 6/16/2017 3:30 PM (Check in 7:30 AM)
Sponsor Vyne Education, LLC
Contact Vyne Education LLC (800) 397-0180
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.0 - Assessment
1.5 - Atypical Development
2.0 - Intervention
1.5 - Typical Development
Cost $229.99
Status Closed