2018 Illinois Teachers of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing-ITDHH Pre-Conference


These sessions are approved for the following IL EI credits only:

*Session 1: 9:00–10:45am-“Finding the Magic Outside of the Toy Bag – Supporting Families in Early Intervention through Naturally-Occurring Routines”-1 INT, 0.75 WWF

*Session 2: 11–12:30pm- Support Without Bias-1.5 WWF

*Session 3: 2:00–3:30pm-Using Ski-HI Language Assessment Tool -0.75 AS

Location Wyndham Springfield City Centre
700 E. Adams St
Springfield, IL 62701
Date 3/1/2018 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Check in 8:30 AM)
Sponsor Illinois School for the Deaf Outreach
Trainer Lynn Barts, Carrie Balian, Melissa Martin, Molly Herman, Adrianne Locke
Contact Desa Johnson (217) 919-2656 Desa.Johnson@illinois.gov
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 0
Cost Free
Status Closed