Holiday & Family Stress


How does the added stress of the holidays impact a child's social-emotional development? How does the added stress of the holidays impact a family's functioning? Are there ways we can support children and families in Early Intervention throughout the holidays that would help reduce stress and improve family functioning? These are some of the questions that will be discussed during the reflective practice group this month. Service Coordinators will consider their work and how it impacts children and families, especially during the holidays. Also, resources for families will be shared to help manage and alleviate stress during the holidays.

Location Teleconference

Date 12/14/2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Check in 9:45 AM)
Sponsor Child & Family Connections #14
Trainer Tara Wellenreiter & Malinda Radloff
Contact Tara Wellenreiter (309) 370-6638
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
7. Ongoing communication & collaboration
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.5 - Working with Families
Status Closed