RISE Study Ongoing Case Consultation - [March, 2024]


This is a monthly consultation session during which providers, already enrolled in the RISE Research Study, present about families on their caseloads with whom they are using Reciprocal Imitation Teaching (RIT). The purpose of these presentations is to offer an opportunity for providers to problem-solve and share success with colleagues who are also RIT-certified providers, as well as with RIT Trainers. During each consultation session, providers will receive feedback and suggestions from interdisciplinary colleagues. Attendance to this event is available only to providers already enrolled in the RISE Research Study.

Date 3/21/2024 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Check in 4:00 PM)
Sponsor RISE Research Network
Trainer Ellie Harrington, PhD & Yael Stern, PhD
Contact Emma Ockuly (763) 656-9136 emma_ockuly@rush.edu
Principles 2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
7. Ongoing communication & collaboration
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.0 - Working with Families
Cost 0
Status Closed