Updates in Pediatric Orthotics: Dynamic Movement Orthoses-a Team Approach


The Dynamic Movement Orthosis (DMO®) provides a unique way to look at bracing for the pediatric client. It is made from a Lycra® based fabric, latex free, and designed to the child’s specific need. The Lycra® orthosis can provide compression as well as directional pull needed for the child. The DMO can be a glove, sock, suit, or include any body segment required to meet the needs of your particular child.
Orthotic management requires an interdisciplinary team approach to maximize each child’s outcome. The therapist assists the orthotist in determining the type of DMO and the alignment needed to improve the child’s adaptation to movement and to facilitate optimal alignment and function. This two day course will teach clinicians the skills necessary to evaluate and determine the appropriate orthotic device for each pediatric patient. Pediatric orthotic management requires consideration of the DMO, the fit, and the functional goals of the child. This course will focus on DMO, including assessment and problem solving.

Location The Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus
2815 Jorie Blvd
Oak Brook, IL
Date 3/31/2012 8:15 AM - 4/1/2012 1:30 PM (Check in 8:00 AM)
Sponsor LaRabida Children's Hospital
Trainer Audrey Yasukawa, Christine Cayo, Trish Martin, Mary Weck, James Wynne, Jeremy Uronis, Arthur Guilford, Ann Marie Pace, Martin Matthews
Contact www.larabida.org Click on CME/CEU (773) 256-5784 ayasukawa@larabida.org
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
5. Comprehensive plans
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.0 - Assessment
1.25 - Atypical Development
7.5 - Intervention
1.0 - Typical Development
Cost $230 early bird $275 registration after 2/15/12
Status Closed