DC 0-3R Practitioner Preparation Taining


During this training, practitioners will learn to assess, evaluate and diagnose mental health difficulties in very young children. The training provides in-depth clinical exposure to the DC:0-3R using case examples and video vignettes along with clinical discussion on differential diagnoses. DC:0-3R training is part of the Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership Strategic Plan.

The DC:0-3R is a developmentally sound, relationship-based approach to understanding infant mental health needs. It describes infant mental health on a 5-Axis classification system similar to other accepted mental health diagnostic systems. The DC:0-3R provides a whole approach for looking at infant behavior, which influences how practitioners assess, diagnose and intervene with infants and families.

Location Erikson Institute
451 N. LaSalle St
Chicago,, IL 60654
Date 3/17/2012 8:30 AM - 3/31/2012 4:40 PM (Check in 7:30 AM)
Sponsor Illinios Association for Infant Mental Health
Trainer Molly Romer-Witten, Ph.D.
Contact Jennifer Kemp (312) 893-7182 jkemp@erikson.edu
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
4. Specific IFSP goals
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 4.0 - Assessment
3.0 - Atypical Development
3.0 - Intervention
3.0 - Typical Development
Cost $150.00
Status Closed