Guidance for Technical Assistance and Monitoring for Mental Health Providers in EI


Mental Health providers have a unique role in their work with families in Early Intervention and on the IFSP team. Much of the support and guidance they provide for families and children can be around a number of areas, including: understanding their child's behavioral responses, understanding broader family issues which may be impacting their child's development, focused attention on helping support a positive relationship of a parent and child and many other areas that influence a child's emotional and general development. This seminar will be an opportunity to discuss and better understand some of the "gray areas" in EI related to social work, counseling or psychological support. The providers will be able to better navigate the EI system and know how to prepare for their work with families and know when they may need to refer a family for other supports. An open question and answer opportunity will available during the discussion that can help raise awareness for all providers in anticipating possible future needs.

Location CFC #11
945 W. George Street
Chicago, IL 60657
Date 7/17/2012 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Check in 1:30 PM)
Sponsor CFC #11
Trainer Charlotte McInerney
Contact Theresa (312) 942-7856
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.5 - Working with Families
Cost free
Status Closed