Transition from the Parent's Perspective


Children transition out of EI when they no longer need supports and services or when they turn three. When a child turns 2 ½ or earlier for summer birthdays there must be a formal plan to support the transition to the school district, or other community setting. EI services end the day before the child turns 3 years old and programs are for children after they turn three are different. A smooth transition is dependent on an effect plan. The Team, which includes the service coordinator, providers and the families will decide what activities or action steps are need to prepare for a smooth transition.
It is important to remember that families will experience many types of transitions in EI: new activities, new providers, and changes in the service plan. All transitions should be planned, discussed and include active participation by all of the team.
The IFSP address the concerns of the families and may be child focused and family focused resources and supports.
It is never too early to start talking about transitions. We want all families to be ready, be prepared, and to be informed about all aspect of EI. Have you ever wondered what the parent's perspective on the transition process? This session will be an interactive panel presentation from the perspective of the parents who are no longer in EI. What they learned, how they felt, what worked for them, and how they would imporve the process.

Location 1675 Dempster Rd
Park Ridge, IL
Date 8/1/2012 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Check in 8:45 AM)
Sponsor Lutheran General Children's Hospital's IMDN
Trainer Jennifer Barrett-Zitkus
Contact Edna Diaz-Cisneros (847) 377-8923
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 3.0 - Working with Families
Cost 0$
Status Closed