Illinois Early Intervetion System Modules

The following modules are being made available as a resource to individuals wanting to find out more information about the components of the Early Intervention System in Illinois.  To view the modules, use your computer’s mouse to click on the module title you wish to view.  The running time of each module is listed below the title.  


NOTE: These modules are also a part of the Illinois Early Intervention Systems Overview training.  To register for this training you can go to and go to the Upcoming Training Calendar.





Illinois Early Intervention at a Glance

Running time: 12:49

This module reviews the foundation of the Illinois Early Intervention(EI) System, including the vision, mission, and rules and laws which govern the system.


  1. Understand the foundation for early intervention services in Illinois.
  2. Understand the leadership structure of the IL Early Intervention(EI) system
  3. Understand Illinois’ vision for early intervention.
  4. Understand the laws, rules, and procedures which govern the Illinois Early Intervention(EI) system.


Early Intervention: A Collaborative System

Running time: 20:04

This module reviews the entities that make up the Illinois Early Intervention(EI) system.

  1. Understand the entities contracted through the Lead Agency and their respective functions (IL EI Training Program, Local Interagency Council, IL Early Childhood Intervention Clearinghouse, Provider Connections, Central Billing Office, EI Monitoring Program)
  2. Understand the structure and function of the Child & Family Connections(CFC) office
  3. Understand individual roles and their function within the CFC Office (Program Manager, Service Coordinator, Parent Liaison, Social Emotional Specialist, LIC Coord)


The Early Intervention Network

Running time: 9:18

This module reviews some of the collaborative agencies and players related to the Illinois Early Intervention(EI) system.

  1. Understand the breadth of local and state entities available to support families (DSCC, EI Providers, Hearing and Vision Connections, & ALL Kids).
  2. Understand the function of many of the local and state entities highlighted.
  3. Understand the collaborative relationship of these entities with the Illinois EI System.



EI Services: The Sweet 16 – DT, PT, OT and ST

Running time: 15:48

This module will provide an overview of the four most frequently utilized services in illinois’ early intervention system. They include developmental therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.

  1. Further examine the focus/philosophy of early intervention services in Illinois.
  2. Begin to understand the breadth of services available as part of the Illinois Early Intervention System.
  3. Understand the role and function of each of the 4 most frequently utilized services in Illinois (ST, DT, OT, and PT).
  4. Understand the billable activities, the family fee and insurance status, and qualified staff for each of the 4 most frequently utilized services in Illinois (ST, DT, OT and PT).


EI Services: The Sweet 16 - AT, Audio/AR, and Family Training & Support

Running time: 17:57

This module will review the services of Assistive Technology, Audiology/Aural Rehabilitation, and Family Training & Support.

  1. Continue to deepen understanding of the breadth of services available as part of the Illinois Early Intervention System.
  2. Understand the role and function of each of the following EI services -Assistive Technology, Audiology/Aural Rehabilitation, and Family Training and Support.
  3. Understand the billable activities, the family fee and insurance status, and qualified staff for each of the following services - Assistive Technology, Audiology/Aural Rehabilitation, and Family Training and Support.



EI Services: The Sweet 16 - Health, MD, Nursing, Nutrition, Psych, SW, Trans

Running time: 23:07

This Module will review the remaining ‘12 to remember ‘including health consultation, medical services, nursing, nutrition, psychological and other counseling services, social work and other counseling services, transportation, and finally vision services as they relate to children in early intervention.

  1. Continue to deepen understanding of the breadth of services available as part of the Illinois Early Intervention System.
  2. Understand the role and function of each of the following EI services –Health Consultation, Medical Diagnostics, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology and other Counseling Services, Social Work and other Counseling Services, Transportation and Vision. 
  3. Understand the billable activities, the family fee and insurance status, and qualified staff for each of the following services - Health Consultation, Medical Diagnostics, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology and other Counseling Services, Social Work and other Counseling Services, Transportation and Vision. 


Early Intervention and Families

Running time: 17:02

This module will take a look at the Illinois Early Intervention (EI)Principles and examine how those principles support the caring connection between families and providers.

  1. Understand the Illinois Early Intervention principles which inform and guide the services and supports available through the early intervention system.
  2. Understand the philosophy of Relationship Based Practices.
  3. Understand the history, intent, and support for Illinois’ Social Emotional Capacity Building Effort.


Referral, Intake and Child & Family Rights

Running time: 19:28

This module will review the process a family goes through when they are first referred to the system. This will include a review of procedural safeguards.

  1. Understand the goals and process of Child Find and Referral to the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) System.
  2. Understand the process and function of the Intake in the Illinois Early Intervention System.
  3. Understand the role of the Service Coordinator in the Intake process.
  4. Understand family rights and procedural safeguards in the Illinois Early Intervention System.


Putting the Pieces Together - Intake and Eligibility

Running time: 10:59

This training module will provide an overview of the process children and families go through when they enter the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) System, as well as the procedures and timelines that guide and inform providers during this process.

  1. Understand the types of information gathered and shared at the Intake meeting with the Service Coordinator and the family.
  2. Understand the role that family priorities and concerns play in the process of intake and preparation for evaluation/assessment.


Putting the Pieces Together - Intake and Eligibility II

Running time: 12:12

This module continues with the intake and eligibility process.

  1. Understand the eligibility requirements as set forth by the Illinois Early Intervention System.
  2. Understand the role of the Service Coordinator and Providers in the eligibility determination process.
  3. Understand the procedures related to annual re-determination of eligibility at the end of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) year. 


Putting the Pieces Together - Evaluation and Assessment

Running time: 17:39

This module will take providers through the process that children and families encounter when they are evaluated in the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) System.

  1. Understand the terms – “evaluation”,  “assessment”, and “global assessment”.
  2. Understand the goals of the eligibility determination process. 
  3. Understand the decision making process around convening an evaluation/assessment team.
  4. Understand the minimum qualifications for the evaluator credential.
  5. Understand the process of preparing for evaluation, including the importance of historical information review.


Evaluation and Assessment in Action

Running time: 04:17

In this module, participants will have the chance to watch a portion of the evaluation and assessment process conducted with Cecilia, her mother and a Developmental Therapist.

  1. View a video of an evaluation with a Developmental Therapist.
  2. Opportunity to practice informal observation of strengths and needs during an evaluation.


Evaluation & Assessment Report Format

Running time: 16:49

This module will review the report format for evaluations and assessments in the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) System.

  1. Understand the process of and responsibilities associated with sharing information with families in the early intervention system.
  2. Understand that the goal of sharing information is to support the family in their decision making process.
  3. Review the DHS required report format and gain a better understanding of the essential components of the written report. 
  4.  Understand the notion of Atypical versus Typical Developmental Delays.



Developing the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)

Running time: 14:01

The module will cover the components contained in the IFSP document as well as the basic structure and agenda for the IFSP team meeting.

  1. Understand the process of developing the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) in Illinois.
  2. Understand the roles and responsibilities of all IFSP team members.
  3. Understand the individual components of the IFSP document.
  4. Understand the procedural safeguards for the family related to IFSP Development.


Child Outcomes

Running time: 16:45

This module takes a closer look at Child Outcomes as part of the development of the IFSP. This module also includes an interactive animation related to child outcomes.

  1. Understand the rationale behind implementing the Child Outcome Measures in Illinois.
  2. Understand the 3 Statewide Required Child Outcomes.
  3. Understand the rating scale and associated descriptors for the Child Outcomes.
  4. Understand the process of consensus building around Child Outcomes.


Family Concerns and Priorities

Running time: 14:44

This module further examines the importance of family concerns and priorities in guiding a family’s early intervention journey.

  1. Understand the importance and role that family concerns and priorities play as a guiding factor in intervention planning.
  2. Examine the differences between family priorities and provider priorities.
  3. Understanding the process and importance of developing family-centered functional outcomes.
  4. Understanding the roles of all team members in working together to develop family-centered functional outcomes.



From Outcomes to Strategies to Service Plan

Running time: 13:11

This training module will discuss the plan of services that teams develop to support the family in meeting the outcomes they have developed for their child and themselves. Topics include: who will provide the services; where the services will take place; when and how often the services will happen; and how the services will be implemented.

  1. Understand the process of service plan development related to the identified family priorities, family-centered functional outcomes, and strategies developed by the IFSP team.
  2. Further examine considerations for intervention planning.
  3. Examine the concept of Natural Learning Environments and requirements for IFSP planning.



Factors to Consider Prior to Implementing the IFSP

Running time: 27:18

This training module walks through the models of service delivery, non billable activities, authorizations, IFSP development time, the role of associate level providers, and will offer an introduction to financial information.

  1. Examine the models of service delivery available in the Illinois Early Intervention System.
  2. Understand the process of initiating early intervention services after the IFSP meeting.
  3. Understand the role and function of the service authorization in early intervention.
  4. Examine billable and non-billable activities.
  5. Understand the role and supervision requirements of associate level providers in the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) system.
  6. Understand the financial resources utilized in the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) system.
  7. Review a basic description of the family fee in the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) system.


Implementing and Reviewing the IFSP

Running time: 20:47

This training module will walk through the implementation of the IFSP.  Basic tips for getting started with families and common assumptions are also introduced.  

  1. Understand the role of all team members in the process of implementing the IFSP.
  2. Review tips for initiating and implementing the IFSP.
  3. Understand the requirements for and the goals of reviewing the IFSP.


Modifying the IFSP

Running time: 23:51

This module will provide information on modifying the IFSP as well as review procedures for annual IFSP reviews. 

  1. Understand the required procedures and the role of the IFSP team in making modifications to an existing IFSP.
  2. Understand the requirements for direct service reports.
  3. Understand the requirements for Annual IFSP reviews.
  4. Understand the use of IFSP extensions in the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) system.


Billing Early Intervention and Insurance

Running time: 30:38

This module will provide an overview of billing and insurance use in the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) system.

  1. Understand the rationale behind billing insurance for early intervention services.
  2. Understand the requirements for billing insurance in Illinois.
  3. Understand the roles and responsibilities of all team members.
  4. Examine important exceptions to billing insurance.



Running time: 36:10

This module discusses the process and procedures that children and families experience when they transition out of the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) System and covers the roles and responsibilities of all professionals involved.

  1. Understand the goals of transition from the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) system.
  2. Understand the options available to children and families once they leave the EI system.
  3. Understand the responsibilities of all team members in the transition process.